
Showing posts from September, 2015

Memoir: A cop like Maria!

“The journey of a Bandra boy from wearing chappals and playing cricket in the streets to becoming an IPS officer and police commissioner of Mumbai is like a dream come true”. These words spoken by Rakesh Maria on the day he took charge as police chief of Mumbai are still echoing in my ears.  That was one of the most joyous moment for Maria and that time nobody had a thought that his dream will culminate in such an distasteful manner. I am personally saddened by the treatment meted out to Maria by Maharashtra government. An officer who has given so much to the city didn’t deserve such conduct at the zenith of his glorious career. Most of crime journalists who have seen Maria for years have certain observations to make and events to remember. I too have a few. When I commenced my career as a tv journo in 1999, Rakesh Maria was chief of railway police, which was equivalent to the rank of additional commissioner in Mumbai police. During past 16 years, I have been able to s...

UK cops can go to this extent to investigate unidentified dead body!

Lancashire cops Graham Coates and Al Yusuf with an officer of Mumbai Police. Sheena Bora was killed in 2012 and her murder case got detected only 3 years later. One of the causes for this delay was the unprofessional conduct of Raigarh cops who did not investigate the case of unidentified dead body found in their jurisdiction. Although, the body which was recovered by them was burnt and concealed in a travelling bag, they skipped to register a murder case. Raigarh cops also didn’t care to collect the report from anatomy department of Sir.J.J.Hospital where the skeletal remains were sent. Such conduct of Raigarh cops is an example of how cops treat the cases of unidentified dead bodies reported to them. This case has reminded me of “Operation Complex” of UK police. That operation demonstrated to which extent cops in UK go to investigate a case of unidentified dead body, no matter how much money has to be spent, how much manpower is to be employed and how much time it takes. ...

ऑपरेशन कॉम्प्लैक्स: लावारिस लाश मिलने पर इस हद तक जाती है ब्रिटेन की पुलिस!

लैंकशायर पुलिस के अधिकारी ग्राहम कोट्स और अल यूसुफ मुंबई पुलिस के अधिकारी के साथ। शीना बोरा की हत्या 2012 में हुई और 3 साल बाद ही उसकी हत्या का पता लग पाया। ऐसा क्यों हुआ इसके पीछे एक कारण ये भी है कि रायगढ पुलिस ने उसी साल अपने इलाके में मिली एक लावारिस लाश की तहकीकात नहीं की। न तो पुलिस ने बैग में बंद जली हुई लाश मिलने पर हत्या का मुकदमा दर्ज किया और न ही उसके अंगों के सैंपल जांच के लिये जे.जे.अस्पताल भेजने के बाद उसकी रिपोर्ट हासिल करने की सुध रखी। रायगढ पुलिस की ये लापरवाही एक मिसाल है कि हमारे देश में पुलिस लावारिस लाशों के मिलने पर उनकी जांच में कितनी दिलचस्पी लेती है। इस मामले ने मुझे याद दिला दी ब्रिटेन की पुलिस के “ ऑपरेशन कॉम्प्लैक्स ” की। उस ऑपरेशन से ये पता चलता चलता है कि ब्रिटेन की पुलिस किसी लावारिस शव के मिलने पर उसकी तहकीकात के लिये किस हद तक जा सकती है, फिर चाहे उसके लिये कितना भी पैसा, कितने भी लोग और कितना भी वक्त क्यों न लगाना पडे। 26 जुलाई 2002 को ब्रिटेन के लैंकशायर नाम के कस्बे से सटे ग्रामीण इलाके में एक महिला अपने कुत्ते को टहला रही थी। अचानक कुत्...